From Where We Sit: Timely Thoughts from Kathy and Liz. December 20, 2023

Trust: The Relationship Cornerstone

The other night I went for a drink with a long-time friend who lives in Chicago now. She and her husband are contemplating moving back to her family farm where she grew up and we chatted about the pros and cons. “One of the reasons I feel comfortable moving back is because I know I have friends like you who will drive me to a colonoscopy,” she said laughing. “You have to have friends like that!” she added. She’s right, I would take her, and vice versa. She is one of those people I could call on in a time of need and she would be there for me. It’s nice to have that trust in someone.

Trust is the cornerstone of any strong relationship, whether personal or professional. Over the past three weeks, ICAHN Professional Education Services has hosted a supervisor success series. In all three sessions we touched on common themes that are important to be a successful leader: communication, values, and trust.

Trust + Integrity = Credibility

This isn’t the first time that trust has come up in this blog. We’ve said it before: the equation “trust + integrity = credibility" is a fundamental aspect of personal character and effective leadership. Trust is showing you are reliable and is earned through consistent behavior that aligns with your promises and commitments. When you do the right thing, people trust you. Keeping promises, making ethically sound decisions even when they're tough, remaining consistent in principles, and doing what's right not just for oneself but for the collective good of the organization are pivotal qualities that define trustworthy leaders.

When your employees see you as a trustworthy leader, they feel safe. Simon Sinek, author of Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, has written extensively on trust and psychological safety noting that leaders should spend their time and energy supporting and protecting their team. “By creating a Circle of Safety around the people in the organization, leadership reduces the threats people feel inside the group, which frees them up to focus more time and energy to protect the organization from the constant dangers outside and seize the big opportunities. Without a Circle of Safety, people are forced to spend too much time and energy protecting themselves from each other,” Sinek says.

Appreciating the Circle of Safety

When there is a circle of safety, employees are loyal, hardworking, and want to meet the leader’s goals. If you have worked in different organizations over the course of your career, you easily recognize those places where there is high trust and safety. I’ve worked in both, and I know firsthand that when there is low trust there is low morale. It's remarkable how a culture of trust and safety can significantly impact an organization's overall atmosphere, from reducing instances of bullying and micromanagement to promoting values like integrity and compassion. I think it’s also important to verbally recognize that circle of safety. Like my friend, say thank you to those who you can count on and let them know how much that means to you to know you can lean on them when needed. If you would like to learn more about the Circle of Safety, check out Simon Sinek’s TED Talk, Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe. It is a great resource.

Thank You for all You Do

As we wrap up 2023, I want to thank you for the trust you have put in us over the past 12 months. Liz and I enjoy sharing these blogs with you and hearing how these stories help you in your leadership journey.  What you do is so important, and I am so impressed with the care and attention you give to your staff and your patients.  Take care of yourself this holiday season and thank you for all you do. That’s how I see it this week from where I sit.

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