From Where We Sit: Timely Thoughts from Kathy and Liz. October 19, 2023

A Thank You from Liz

I know it is a cliché to say that rural hospitals are the life force of the community and the key to economic development in a rural community. You never go to a conference or hear a speaker on rural health that doesn't emphasize this and then follow it up by showing the map of at-risk hospitals and hospital closures. It can feel overwhelming to say the least.

I tend to forget, because I am not in the hospital daily, the relief and difference rural healthcare can make to the families in the communities you serve.

Here is the thing and my own personal story. On October 1 my husband experienced a health crisis. It has been a long couple of weeks, but I can’t imagine dealing with a sick loved one and not having a quality healthcare facility in the community I live in. It is hard enough to be there and support your loved one when you live a mile from the hospital. It would have been so much harder if I had to travel miles on top of spending time supporting my husband.

My blog this week is not filled with helpful advice and tips to being a better manager or leader. It is just simply a reminder and a thank you for holding the line and keeping healthcare in your communities. I know it is not easy and I know that there must be times when you want to bang your head against the wall because of all the challenges. Thank you on behalf of all the families that have loved ones at your facility. Thank you on behalf of the patients receiving quality healthcare. I hope you celebrate and feel proud of the work you do in your community. 

And speaking of celebrations, I would like to invite you to celebrate 20 years of  ICAHN supporting you in your mission to serve the citizens in rural Illinois. We are planning a big party as we celebrate all our successes of the last 20 years and look to the future together. Please join the celebration on November 28th and 29th at the I Hotel in Champaign. You can register online at

 Please remember what you do is important not only to those you currently serve but to the future patients and loved ones that have no idea they will need your services in the future. You truly make this world a better place. Liz Swanson

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